Be a beta tester for ALIS,
get a FREE subscription*

*Subscription for the ALIS web application, for one year. Conditions apply.

ALIS: Airside asset maintenance
made easy


The ALIS web application digitally registers and visualizes airfield maintenance allowing you to easily and effectively follow up on the maintenance status of all your assets and any stationary equipment on the airside.

ALIS screenshot

GPS Asset location and identification

We plot your registered assets on a satellite map to give you the best location awareness of your assets.   There is no need for expensive RFID installations, it’s a hassle-free start!

visual icon

Visual web application

See patterns, issues, and problems that were hidden before and focus on the tasks that matter. We color your assets by their relative preventive maintenance condition making it easy for everyone to see and understand  what should happen next.

Easy to use

A user interface that’s practical and intuitive easy-to-use is in our DNA. It encourages  all users to tap into ALIS’s full potential as an all-around maintenance management solution.


Requirements and conditions

You have access to a computer with internet and a modern browser.

Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Chromium Edge.

You have airfield asset data available, including the:

  • Asset name
Asset type
Georeference in UTM or Lat/Long

You allow ADB SAFEGATE to access your instance to follow up and enhance the user experience.

ADB SAFEGATE will only have access to the ALIS instance. All further privacy is guaranteed.  Please review our privacy policy here. 
We also remove your instance and asset data on your request.


No purchasing obligations or hidden costs.

By joining this beta version and by the end of the subscription there are no purchase obligations whatsoever!  At the end of the beta you can fall back on the freemium version of ALIS or choose to subscribe to any of the optional features. 

You will be able to provide feedback upon request.

We will contact you by email/phone/form once a month to inquire about your experience using ALIS.

Spaces are limited! 

We will allow 10 pilot airports to test our new version of ALIS. So be quick in registering your application.  

Good to know

The beta subscription for ALIS includes: 

  • An ALIS Basic license with all available web features (Satellite view, Photometrics, Advisories)
Access to new features developed for the beta when available .
The free subscription is valid for 1 year

What is the new beta feature? 

The beta will go in different phases  

  • New web-based maintenance registration function
  • New user identification management 
  • New import/export feature for self service of asset database

Not included:


  • Access to the ALIS iOS native apps for on-site (upgrade possible upon request)
  • Access to the interface to other custom cloud solutions using Rest API

Apply to be a beta tester here:

We look forward to building a better application with you!